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Features of SSharing

Share files and folders together

SSharing does not share only one file, it can share multiple files and folders together. There is no need to share each file individually.


Compress and then share

SSharing compresses and share. You don't have to do the double work of compressing and then sharing the files.


Number of shares

You can share to 1000 / 5000 / 10000 with SSharing. It depends on the performance of your PC. It is also possible to set up to 10000 without depending on the performance by setting the option.


You can freely select the threshold

You are free to choose the threshold (the number of files needed to reconstruct). Please select the most suitable number according to your usage.


You can distinguish shared groups by Group ID

SSharing embeds the Group ID in a shared file. Group ID allows you to identify that it is a shared file generated with the same share. In secret sharing, the data when sharing once and the data when sharing the same information again will be different. Therefore, it is not possible to mix and reconstruct files with different shares. Also, it is not possible to know why the application cannot reconstruct the original file. It may be because the files are mixed, or it may be because the files are corrupted. By embedding the Group ID, you can understand that files with different sharing are mixed.


You can identify the corrupted file by check codes

SSharing embeds check codes in a shared file. When reconstructing with multiple files, if any one file is damaged, reconstructing is not possible. However, we don't even know which file is corrupted. By embedding check codes, you can check for file corruption and identify which file is corrupted.


Speed up processing time

As the file size and the number of shares increase, the sharing and reconstructing process will take longer. SSharing has worked to improve speed using the following technologies: