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Make use of SSharing

Here are some situations to make use of SSharing.

Of course, there may be other uses for this application. Please try to develop many ways to use it.

-          Share files with groups

-          When sending secret information

-          Let's share the backed-up data

-          Let's share the backed-up data more

-          To carry your laptop with confidence


Share files with groups

With friends or at work. Sharing files with multiple people is common today. You will often email the file. Share the files and send them by different routes. It is safe even if one of the shared files leaks. No one can reconstruct the original information from a single shared file. Plus, you don't have to worry about erroneous transmissions. Only those who know all the transmission routes can reconstruct the original information.

-            Share the file into two

-            Upload one of the shared files to the cloud (Decide the cloud in advance)

-            Email another shared file

-            The person who received the email will reconstruct it in combination with the data in the cloud


When sending secret information

If you want to send secret information, increase the transmission route.

One is in the cloud.

One is by email.

The other is by mail.


Let's share the backed-up data

Share your data and send it far away. At this time, the threshold value is set to about half. It is okay if some data is damaged due to a large-scale natural disaster. You can reconstruct from the remaining data. Even if you lose the data in Hiroshima, Osaka, and Nagoya, you can reconstruct it with other information.

The more shared information is, the higher the risk of leakage. But with (k, n) threshold secret sharing, you don't have to worry about it. With (k, n) threshold secret sharing, if you share at threshold 5,  no one can reconstruct the original information without having five pieces of data. The higher the Number of Shares and the higher the Threshold, the higher the confidentiality.


Let's share the backed-up data more

For more important data, there is also the risk of misuse by someone who knows where to store shared data. In such a case, let's share it to all employees. They need a certain amount of cooperation to reconstruct the original information. Even the president cannot reconstruct by himself. It is also a clever idea to change the number of shared files according to the job title. With SSharing, you can share to 10000.


To carry your laptop with confidence

It's easy to carry your laptop or tablet, but you're worried about misplacement or theft. Even in such a case, let's share the files and carry them separately.

Share the file in two.

One is for the HDD of the PC. And in the bag.

The other is a USB memory. And in your pocket wallet.

Still worried? In such a case, it is safer to share it into another and hang it with a strap.