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SSharing License Terms

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License agreement

Enactment Date: 04/2022

SSharing (referred to as "this software") is software manufactured by Some Fellow System, Inc. (referred to as "our company"). There are two types of SSharing, "SSharing Free" (referred to as "Free version") and "SSharing Pro" (referred to as "Pro version").

Under the condition that the person is agreed to this contract, we grant a license to use this software to the person (referred to as the "user") who receives this software.



Only those who agree with this Agreement, anyone can use this software freely.

In the Pro version, user can try it before paying. There is a 15-day trial period after installing this software. After the attempt period ends, the user cannot use this software. Users need to purchase the Pro version to keep using it after the trial period has expired.

The Free version does not have a trial period. User is free to use it indefinitely. However, in the Free version, user cannot use some features. If user wants to use all the features, please purchase the Pro version.



The user shall not do the following:

(a)  Distribution of this software.

(b)  Commercial activities that ask for payment, such as selling this software alone or combining this software with other products or renting for a fee.

(c)  Modifications, reverse engineering, decompilation, and disassembly of this software (including setup programs, executable programs, and help files).

(d)  Use of this software for criminal actions, such as hacking.

(e)  Transfer this software.



(a) Our company makes no warranty with respect to this software, including warranties such as merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


[Limitation of Liability and Indemnity]

(a) Our company does not take any liability for the failure of electronic devices such as computers, information loss, data corruption, or any other damage or loss caused by the use or inability to use this software.

(b) If our company, the user, or a third party detects a defect or document error in the Software, our company is not obligated to correct it.


[Open software]

(a) This software uses "Zlib" which is open software. The "Zlib" license is subject to the "Zlib" license terms.


[Agreement of contract]

(a) By installing and using this software, user agree to this agreement. If user does not agree, stop using this software and delete this software.


[Governing law]

(a) This agreement shall be governed by Japanese law.